Excellent Creativity

La maestra de 6to grado, la Senora Proietto y sus alumnos crearon proyectos muy innovadores utilizando artículos de la basura que ayudaron a eliminar los desechos en su comunidad. Fue realmente una experiencia educativa para los estudiantes y fundamental para el cuidado del medio ambiente.
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #1
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #2
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #3
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #4
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #5
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #6
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #7
Mrs. Proietto and her 6th Grade Students #8